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TCS Further Distinguishes Itself by Earning Microsoft Gold Certified Partner Status

What started in 1996 with two Wall Street developers working side by side in a cubicle, transformed in a few short years into TCS, a global IT solutions provider, and now on to achieve Microsoft Gold Partner Status - a recognition only the elite of Microsoft Business Partners claim after earning the highest customer endorsement and demonstrating the most robust, efficient and scalable implementations of Microsoft technologies.

TCS began its meteoric climb developing software for Donaldson, Lufkin, and Jenrette, then to Credit Suisse First Boston, and now providing IT solutions to Fortune 100 firms worldwide. Its founders never dreamed their idea of "one corporation-one solution" would hit a burning nerve in almost every sale call made.

Working out of a small office in Jersey City, the duo spent their days meeting top executives to make their pitch. At night, the pair would burn the midnight oil developing and refining their product set. And TCS is not resting on past performance, products, or technologies. They continually strive to stay ahead of the curve in what they coined TCS, Total Customer Satisfaction.

While announcing this achievement, Dan Choi, CEO, said, "TCS has been at the forefront of Business Intelligence in processing, storing, analyzing, and providing access to intelligent information from company data banks. This data helps identify significant trends or patterns that ultimately facilitate the decision-making process and provide our clients with a competitive advantage. Microsoft has recognized this work effort with the Gold Certified Partner status."

About TCS:

TCS is a global software development and Information Technology Company providing database driven customized software solutions using Microsoft technologies to enterprises worldwide. TCS offers the ability to leverage high quality software engineering and software programming talent at a low cost while still providing on shore development and dedicated project managers who understand your needs. Equipped with the latest development tools and leading edge on-site infrastructure, TCS has Corporate Headquarters in Roseland, NJ, a development design center in Caldwell, NJ, and a dedicated co-location facility in the northeast.

If you are interested in becoming a TCS Partner, please send us an email, or call us directly.

Phone: (877) 364-2615 x11
